President's message

Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT) was first established as a foundation for the sciences, but has since grown to incorporate programs in the fields of management, economics, law, the arts, education, philosophy and medicine, all of which have transformed BUCT into a leading institution of tertiary education.


We continuously strive to advance our standard of excellence, which has roots in every aspect, ranging from our high-quality programs to our research, and extending to our sense of responsibility to give back to the local community.


With a rapidly evolving world, our cutting-edge research allows us to respond to the ever-growing challenges of a global, interdependent, multicultural and technologically advancing society.


All our teachers and students share our motto “to be ambitious, virtuous, profoundly learned and to serve the people” and endeavour to espouse the characteristics of being ‘diligent, practical, learned and innovative’ for our continued growth.


Looking into the future, we aim to become not only the top university in China, but also to be an influential voice in the world.

I would like to personally invite you to get acquainted with BUCT through these pages and challenge you to experience the excellence of BUCT for yourself. I look forward to meeting and speaking with you in the near future.


Welcome to BUCT.


Professor Tan Tianwei

President of BUCT


welcome to buct.
  • #34
    in China
    CWUR rankings
  • 1‰
    Chemistry Material
  • 1%
    Engineering Environ & ECO BIO & Biochem
  • faculty and staff
    • 2, 700+ faculty and staff

    • 8 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering

    • 14 Distinguished professors and 3 professors for the Cheung Kong Scholars Program and its Young Scholar Program

    • 24 winners of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars

    • 24 winners of the National Outstanding Youth Science Fund

    • 2 winners of the Chinese Young Women Scientist Award

    • 69 from the Cross-Century Talent Program of the Ministry of Education

  • academic Facilities
    • 3 State Key Laboratories

    • 1 National Research Center of Engineering and Technology

    • 1 National Engineering Research Center

    • 1 National Engineering Laboratory

    • 15 Key Laboratories at the provincial and ministerial level

    • 15 Engineering Technology Research Centres at the provincial and ministerial level

    • 21 national bases and centers for teaching and learning

    • 32 State Natural Science Awards, State Technological Invention Awards and State Scientific and Technological Progress Awards since 2001

    • 3 Innovative Research Groups of the National Natural Science Foundation

    • 6 Innovation Teams of Cheung Kong Scholar Program

    • 2 National Teaching Achievement Award (First Prize)

    • National Teaching Achievement Award (Second Prize)

    • 5 National Teaching Groups


  • 1958
    Beijing Institute of Chemical Technology (BICT) was founded, Affiliated to the Ministry of Chemical Industry
  • 1994
    Name changed to Beijing University of Chemical Technology
  • 1996
    Became one of the Project 211 Universities (Top 100)
  • 1998
    Affiliated to the Ministry of Education
  • 2008
    Became one of the 985 Project Innovation Platforms for Priority Disciplines
  • 2017
    Listed as Double First-Class Project University (First-Class Discipline)