The 8th Joint Management Committee Meeting of Paris Curie Engineer School Held at BUCT

On June 19th, the 8th Joint Management Committee Meeting of Paris Curie Engineer School of Beijing University of Chemical Technology was held at BUCT. The theme of the meeting was "Deepening Educational Cooperation and Jointly Improving the Quality of School Running", and the feedback on the CTI accreditation was also discussed in depth. The meeting was chaired by Tan Tianwei, Chairman of the Joint Management Committee and President of BUCT, and was held through a combination of online and offline methods. Ren Zhongqi and Su Haijia, Vice Presidents of BUCT, and Christian Lerminiaux, President of Chimie Paris Tech, France, attended the meeting.

The meeting voted and unanimously approved the minutes of the College's seventh Joint Management Committee meeting, the College's financial accounts for 2023 and changes in the membership of the Joint Management Committee. Anouk Galtayries, French dean of Paris Curie engineer school, made a work report on the work of the Institute, focusing on the results of the CTI accreditation and feedback, the employment of foreign teachers at the preparatory and engineering stages, the construction of the French Corner of the college, the curriculum setting for the engineering programme, and the further education of students at the engineering stage. She said that after rigorous auditing and evaluation, the college has successfully passed the CTI accreditation, which is one of the important certifications in the international education field, marking that the joint education program between the two universities has been internationally recognized in terms of education quality and management level.

On behalf of the Chinese side, Qin Peiyong, Dean of the Curie Institute of Engineering in Paris, reported on the International Engineering Talent Training Forum, Education Reform Awards, Recruitment, Graduates’ Further Study, Students’ Awards and Honors, and Talent Training Goals for 2024, demonstrating the achievements and future development directions of Chinese schools in Chinese-foreign Cooperative.

Christian Lerminiaux fully affirmed the work of the college, expressed his gratitude to all the teachers for their hard work. He hoped that China and France would make concerted efforts to continuously improve their own school level and attractiveness, and create better conditions for the growth and development of students.

Tan Tianwei concluded that the meeting studied and agreed a number of important issues, laying a solid foundation for deepening cooperation between the two sides. In the context of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, the university will, as always, support the development of the college and actively promote the cooperation between the two sides to a new level and achieve new results. He put forward three opinions on the effective promotion of the college's high-quality development. Firstly, it is necessary to further shape the characteristics of school running and continuously enhance the attractiveness of the college. Secondly, it is necessary to further strengthen the effectiveness of cooperation between the two sides of running schools, and continuously promote cooperation and innovation in the fields of scientific research and teaching. Thirdly, it is necessary to further promote the practice of international study visits for students, and continuously promote the exchange and interaction between Chinese and French teachers and students.

Leaders of the Academic Affairs Office, International Exchange and Cooperation Office, Finance Office and other relevant departments of Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Hao Xiaoming, President of COFCO Nutrition and Health Research Institute, Wu Changjiang, President of Beijing Research Institute of Chemical Industry of China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation, Laurant Prat, President of Toulouse, France, Jean Michel Reneaume, President of École Nationale Supérieure d'Industrial Technology of the University of Pau, France, and Director of the International Scientific Research Laboratory of Process and Energy-Efficient Products of Solvay Group Stéphane streiff and Rose-Noël Vannier, Rector of the École Nationale Supérieure de Chemistry in Lille, France, attended the meeting.