BUCT and the Sri Lanka Institute of Plastics and Rubber Hold Cooperation Agreement Signing Ceremony

On the afternoon of 11 of June 2024, an online signing ceremony for the cooperation agreement between Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT) and the Sri Lanka Institute of Plastics and Rubber (SLIPR) was held. The ceremony was attended by Vice President Wang Feng of BUCT, Director P.P. Perera of SLIPR, and Chairman Indhra of the Polymer Advisory Committee of the Sri Lankan Ministry of Industry. The event was hosted by Deputy Director Feng Jianghong from the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation.

Wang Feng’s Speech

Vice President Wang Feng delivered a welcome speech on behalf of BUCT, extending warm greetings to the distinguished guests. He highlighted the longstanding friendship between China and Sri Lanka, emphasizing the significance of the cooperation agreement as a milestone in the collaboration between the two institutions. He pointed out that this partnership is crucial for cultivating international talent, enhancing the level of international development, and supporting the “Belt and Road” initiative. Furthermore, it lays a solid foundation for further cooperation and promotes cultural exchanges between China and Sri Lanka.

Remarks by Both Parties (Online)

In his address, Director P.P. Perera expressed appreciation for the efforts made by both parties over the past few months to achieve this cooperation. He thanked Vice President Wang Feng and his team at BUCT for their relentless efforts, which have led to the successful outcome of today. He looked forward to both institutions benefiting from this collaboration.

Chairman Indhra stated that the ceremony marks the beginning of a powerful partnership rather than merely signing a document. The memorandum of understanding signifies our commitment to building bridges across borders, sharing knowledge, and creating opportunities for collaborative research and development. He pointed out  BUCT’s rich history and achievements in chemical engineering and polymer science, making it an ideal partner for SLIPR.

Signing Ceremony

During the talks, witnessed by both parties, Wang Feng and P.P. Perera signed the cooperation agreement between Beijing University of Chemical Technology and the Sri Lanka Institute of Plastics and Rubber.

This agreement represents a  milestone in the collaboration between the two institutions, providing a robust platform for educational cooperation. It is an important step in enhancing the international exchange and cooperation level between the universities, serving the cultural exchanges between China and Sri Lanka, and supporting the “Belt and Road” initiative. The agreement lays the groundwork for future collaboration in talent cultivation, academic exchange, and other areas.

The signing ceremony was attended by Zhang Bing, Director of the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation, Li Qifang, Party Secretary of the School of International Education, Yan Hong, Vice Dean of the School of International Education, and  staff from the International Student Office of the School of International Education.