BUCT Delegation Led by President Tan Tianwei Visits Ten Universities in Three European Countries

During May 22-31, a BUCT delegation led by President Tan Tianwei, paid visits to 11 campuses of 10 universities in Germany, Switzerland and France, the first of its kind in three years that turned out to be fruitful and rewarding. The delegation first visited 3 universities, including the University of Dui**urg-Essen, Bielefeld University and Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen in Germany.

On the afternoon of May 23, Tan Tianwei met with Professor Ulrich Rüdiger, Rector of Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, in a conference room in the university’s main building.Then, a signing ceremony for the Memorandum of Cooperation between BUCT and Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen was held, where Tan Tianwei, on behalf of BUCT, signed the memorandum of cooperation with the rector of Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen. According to the memorandum, both sides encourage (but not limited to) bilateral exchanges on relevant materials, publications and information, exchanges of professors, researchers and students, joint research and conferences on relevant scientific research projects, as well as joint development of relevant specialty programs, among others.

The heads of the two universities sign a memorandum of cooperation

According to the memorandum of cooperation, the two universities agreed to launch the BUCT-Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen Undergraduate Summer Camp as soon as possible. Both sides also confirmed that BUCT and the Institute of Applied Microbiology (iAMB) of Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen will jointly hold the “MIX-UP Plastic Biodegradation Session” at the 8th International Conference on Biorefinery and Biomanufacturing to be hosted by BUCT in Athens in July 2023.

BUCT President Tan Tianwei takes a photo with Ulrich Rüdiger, Rector of Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, and other faculty members

BUCT’s College of Information Science and Technology and the Institute Für Automatisierungstechnik und Komplexe Systeme (AKS) of the University of Dui**urg-Essen reached a consensus on carrying out cooperation on scientific research, talent introduction and student training.BUCT and the Center for Biotechnology (CeBiTec) of Bielefeld University reached an intent on joint student cultivation and joint research on biological projects.

BUCT President Tan Tianwei takes a photo with the researchers of AKS

BUCT President Tan Tianwei gives an academic report at Bielefeld University

During May 24-25, the delegation visited Universität Basel and École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland. Tan Tianwei met with Professor Thomas Ward, Director of NCCR Molecular Systems Engineering of Universität Basel, and Professor Tang Li, Director of the Institute of Biotechnology and Institute of Immune Engineering of EPFL. The delegation was also shown around the laboratories, experiment equipment and research results. They agreed to carry out cooperation and exchanges on scientific research and student training, hoping that the cooperation will be enhanced in both breadth and depth. Tan Tianwei also held talks with representatives of overseas Chinese students, answering questions about BUCT’s introduction of talents. It’s learnt that this was the first tour of BUCT to Swiss universities and has established friendly ties with them.

On May 26, the delegation visited Ecole Supérieure de Chimie Physique Electronique de Lyon (CPE) in France.Tan Tianwei met with Professor Gerard Pignault, President of CPE, Professor Claude de Bellefon, Director of Scientific Research at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique and Head of Scientific Research at CPE, Professor Mamadou Traore, Head of Teaching at CPE, Professor Pascal Fongarland, Deputy Director of the Catalysis, Polymerization Process, Materials Research Laboratory of Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, and Professor Christine Legrand, Head of Publicity, Exchange and Enterprise Relations at CPE.

BUCT President Tan Tianwei visits a teaching laboratory at CPE

Tan also met with representatives of the students of BUCT Paris Curie Engineer School who studied or interned in Lyon, including Tian Lu, Yin Zihao and Nie Weijian, asking them about their study, life and internship in Lyon, reminding them to observe the rules of both the school and enterprises as well as take good care of themselves, and also having lunch with them.

BUCT President Tan Tianwei asks BUCT’s students in Lyon about their study and internship

During May 27-28, the delegation visited the Marseilles Campus and Nice Campus of Centrale Méditerreanée in France, meeting with Professor Olivier Boiron, Director of the International Office of the university, and Professor Nicolsa Chapuis, Head of the Nice Campus and Director of International Relations, among others. Both sides discussed matters about cooperative education, including student exchange, faculty sharing, and CTI certification.Tan Tianwei visited some scientific research laboratories of the university, hearing reports on relevant research projects.

BUCT President Tan Tianwei introduces BUCT

Tan Tianwei also held in-depth exchanges with overseas Chinese students and the project team headed by Du Jiupeng, an alumnus of BUCT who was an undergraduate of 2015 in chemical engineering and is now an associate professor at Centrale Méditerreanée (Marseilles Campus).

BUCT President Tan Tianwei listens to the report by the project team headed by Du Jiupeng and exchanges views with them

Professor Nicolsa Chapuis at Nice Campus introduces the engineering education at Centrale Méditerreanée

On May 29, the delegation led by Tan Tianwei visited Université De Lorraine, meeting with Professor Alain Durand, Dean of École Nationale Supérieure des Industries Chimiques (ENSIC) in charge of engineer education, Professor Marie-Odile Simannot, Director of the Process Engineering and Reactions Institute, and Professor Hu Guohua from the School of Chemical Engineering. At Université De Lorraine, ENSIC is strong in engineer education, contributing to about 10% of the graduates receiving engineer certificates each year in France. Both sides expressed hope that the two universities can jointly carry out engineer education as well as cooperation and exchanges on scientific research under the framework of Fédération Gay-Lussac (FGL).

BUCT President Tan Tianwei takes a photo with Professor Alain Durand, Dean of École Nationale Supérieure des Industries Chimiques and other faculty members

On May 30, Tan Tianwei met with Professor Alain Fuchs, President of Paris Sciences & Lettres-PSL University (PSL) and Director of the Centre national de la recherche scientifique. First, Tan introduced BUCT’s history and status quo, discipline construction, talent cultivation, scientific research and student growth, highlighting the results and prospects of the cooperative education program between BUCT Paris Curie Engineer School and Fédération Gay-Lussac (FGL). Jennifer Heurley, PSL Vice President in charge of foreign affairs, introduced the university, which originated from the University of Paris founded in 1200 and was reorganized in 2010. PSL came the 26th on the 2023 QS rankings, the highest among French universities.On the 2022-2023 CWUR, PSL ranked the 19th, the first in France.

The two presidents agreed to forge friendly partnership between the two universities, discussing cooperation on student exchange, scientific research, faculty and course sharing.They also talked about the details about the cooperative educational program of BUCT Paris Curie Engineer School.

BUCT President Tan Tianwei takes a photo with Alain Fuchs, PSL President and other faculty members

On the morning of May 30, the delegation headed by Tan Tianwei attended the 7th meeting of the Joint Administrative Committee of BUCT Paris Curie Engineer School held at Chimie ParisTech-PSL (ENSCP).

The meeting was chaired by Professor Christian Lerminiaux, President of ENSCP. First, Christian Lerminiaux and Tan Tianwei sucessively delivered a speech. The meeting approved the minutes of the 6th meeting of the Joint Administrative Committee through voting. Then, Professor Anouk Galtayries and Professor Qin Peiyong, respectively French Dean and Chinese Dean of Paris Curie Engineer School, successively gave a work report, discussing relevant issues. The meeting also decided on the time and venue for the 8th meeting of the Joint Administrative Committee. Last, both presidents and deans signed the agreement on a double master degree program.

BUCT President Tan Tianwei signs the agreement on a double master degree program with Christian Lerminiaux, President of ENSCP

Qin Peiyong and Anouk Galtayries, respectively Chinese Dean and French Dean of Paris Curie Engineer School, sign the agreement on a double master degree program

Participants of the French side included Professor Gérard Pignault, President of CPE Lyon (online), Professor Laurent Prat, President of Toulouse INP ENSIACET, Professor Jean-Michel Reneaume, President of ENSGTI Pau, Dr. Stéphane Streiff from Solvay, Lyon, France, Professor Anouk Galtayries, French Dean of Paris Curie Engineer School, Professor Rose-Noëlle Vannier, President of ENSCL (online), Dr. Frédéric Bonnet, a short-term professor at Paris Curie Engineer School, Dr. Chunhuan Sauvage, a Chinese teacher at ENSCP, and Professor Min-Hui LI, Director of Scientific Research at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique.

Participants of the Chinese side included Hao Xiaoming, President of COFCO Nutrition and Healthy Research Institution (online), Wu Changjiang, President of Sinopec Beijing Research Institute of Chemical Industry (online), Ren Zhongqi, Vice President of BUCT (online), Su Haijia, Vice President of BUCT (online), Li Xiaolin, Director of the Financial Department of BUCT, Zhang Bing, Director of the International Exchange & Cooperation Department of BUCT (online), Qin Peiyong, Dean of Paris Curie Engineer School, Wang Youqing, Dean of the College of Information Science and Technology of BUCT, Xu Bin, Deputy Dean of the Graduate School of BUCT (in charge), and Hou Hong, Deputy Dean of Paris Curie Engineer School.

On the afternoon of May 30, the delegation led by Tan Tianwei went to ENSCP, visiting its laboratory, and discussing with relevant researchers the joint training of postgraduates and undergraduates as well as the collaboration on scientific research. Accompanying the visit was Professor Li Minhui from ENSCP.

BUCT President Tan Tianwei visits a laboratory at ENSCP

At 5:00 PM on May 30, Tan, accompanied by Qin Peiyong and Hou Hong, respectively Dean and Deputy Dean of Paris Curie Engineer School, met with representatives of Comission des Titres d’Ingénieur (CTI) in the conference hall of ENSCP, querying about what Paris Curie Engineer School needs to do to pass CTI certification and discussing with them together. Professor Christian Lerminiaux, President of ENSCP, and Professor Anouk Galtayries, French Dean of Paris Curie Engineer School, attended the talk.

BUCT President Tan Tianwei takes a photo with representatives of CTI