UCR Delegation Visits BUCT

On April 11, a delegation led by Assistant Provost Jun Wang from the University of California, Riverside (UC Riverside) visited our university and held asymposium in BUCT conference center. Vice President Wang Feng attended the symposium, joined by Zhang Bing, Director of the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation; Feng Jianghong, Deputy Director; Luo Bing, Secretary of the School of Chemistry; Feng Yongjun, Vice Dean of the School of Chemistry; and Yan Hong, Vice Dean of the School of Chemistry. The symposium was chaired by Feng Yongjun.

Wang Feng warmly welcomed the visiting delegation from UC Riverside. He pointed out that the University of California, as a world-renowned university, has had a long-standing good partnership with our university, with frequent exchanges between teachers and students of the two universities and significant cooperation achievements. Strengthening exchanges and cooperation with the University of California system is an important part of BUCT’s efforts to promote high-quality education and openness to the world. Assistant Provost Jun Wang’s visit will enable further exploration and expansion into the possible new areas of cooperation and enhanced exchanges and cooperation in talent cultivation and scientific research.

Assistant Provost Jun Wang said in his speech that UC Riverside attaches great importance to educational and scientific research cooperation with Chinese universities. It has already established a good foundation for cooperation with BUCT’s College of Chemistry, and is willing to deepen personnel exchanges and scientific research cooperation with our university through this visit, creating a cooperation framework that is comprehensive, multi-level, and in-depth.

Feng Jianghong introduced the development of BUCT, focusing on the implementation of BUCT’s “Global Development” strategy and the mode of international exchange and cooperation in recent years. International Program Specialist Jiaxin Deng profiled in detail UC Riverside while Feng Yongjun from BUCT played a promotion video of the College of Chemistry

Also is discussed cooperation in 3+1+ master's/doctoral joint training programs, faculty exchanges, student exchanges, and summer schools. Both agreed to sign an agreement and start cooperation as soon as possible.

UC Riverside, located in Riverside, California, is a public comprehensive research university. It is known as a public Ivy, a member of the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) and the International Forum of Public Universities (IFPU), and is one of the ten schools of the University of California system—one of the most influential public university systems in the world—as well as the fastest-growing university in the system. The university places great emphasis on scientific research and boasts the proud academic tradition of the University of California. UC Riverside is home to a world-class department of agronomy. Its Marlan and Rosemary Bourns College of Engineering (BCOE) also enjoys a high reputation in academia. According to the 2019 Best Global Universities Rankings unveiled by U.S. News, UC Riverside’s engineering ranked 69th globally, and graduate salaries ranked 30th in the United States. The Washington Monthly ranked the university 15th among public universities in the United States in 2020. In the CS Rankings, the university was rated 37th globally in the field of computing, with high-performance computing standing 4th worldwide.